Material Price Rises!

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Material Price Rises!

Material costs affecting garden room prices

Across the market, garden room prices are on the rise again.  Supply and demand forced prices up at the end of last year, and they look set to rise again now as raw material costs have gone up significantly.

The reason for the material increases, is supply levels of materials like Western Red Cedar and knock-on effects of BREXIT.

You may have seen that garden rooms are now more expensive

If you have been exploring your garden room options for a few months, you will see a difference in prices quoted today compared with a few months ago. Prices seen in March ’21, those same buildings are now, on average, 14% higher.

Rest assured, it is a genuine reason for the increase in garden room prices. Here are a few examples in our buildings:

  • Rebar mesh sheets used in concrete slab foundations was £28 per sheet; they are now being quoted £88 per sheet. That’s 214% up.
  • 6×2” timber used for framing was costing £2.70 exVAT in November 2020 and today is costing £3.96 exVAT. An increase of 47%.
  • OSB sheathing, an important layer in a garden rooms build-up, was £15 per sheet exVAT and is now £22 per sheet. Rumour has it that OSB could rise to £40 per sheet!
  • Doors and windows are increasing 7% from 1 July.
  • External cladding is 8-10% more expensive, with Western Red Cedar difficult to source as there is limited stock in the UK.

Lock in your garden room price

If you are reading this and worried about an order you have placed and waiting on to be installed, don’t worry. Where a price has been agreed and contracts have been signed, the price is locked in for you, and we absorb the increased material costs.